
We are Roger, Charity, Felix, and MK! Welcome to our family blog!

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Friday, August 13, 2010

our common bond of impatience

Roger and I are so different in most areas. However, we both have a very difficult time waiting to give gifts. Our first Christmas together I think we exchanged our gifts the first week of December. On most occassions, once we buy something we give it to the person the same day. We're proud of ourselves if we can make ourselves wait until the following day.

So, with MK's second birthday quickly approaching I ordered her a kitchen set. I ordered it early not knowing how long it would take to arrive and also that day amazon was offering it at a great price. It arrived 2 days later. I looked at the big box for probably about 4 hours before I mentioned to Roger that maybe we should just go ahead and put it together. He decided he'd wait until we put her down for the night. I decided he should probably go ahead and start now because it would take awhile. We both convinced ourselves that it would be okay to give MK her present 2 weeks early because she'll have plenty of other gifts to open on the big day. It's been so hot that we've been stuck inside and needing something new to consume our days. (At least that's what we told ourselves.)

Side Note: Roger' personality is generally really patient. Unfortunately, I must admit that I'm not.

Dad got plenty of help with the assembly.

Got to love this look! I think I've captured it a time or two before.

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